
The Parables: Jesus’s Friendly Subversive Speech is unavailable, but you can change that!

A comprehensive study of Jesus’s parables that emphasizes personal reflection and application. Jesus’s parables used familiar situations to convey deep spiritual truths in ways that are provocative and subversive of the status quo. Prayerfulness was pictured by a persistent widow. The joy of salvation in the homecoming of a lost son. Love of neighbor by a marginalized Samaritan. If we’re not...

father undoubtedly contributed to the younger son’s radical and rebellious request for his inheritance. The father’s love placed limits on the freedom of the younger son, who found it necessary to distance himself from the presence of the father’s righteousness and love. In the parable, there is a profound sense of the distance between the presence of the father and the far country, but this is often not the case today. Prodigal sons and daughters do as they please and still live at home. Christian
Pages 182–183